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Classroom Vocabulary

U.S. Classroom Vocabulary & Expressions for International TAs


These are words and expressions that are commonly used in U.S. classrooms. Do you know them all?


Verbs & Meanings

“All set?” – Are you ready? Is everybody ready?

be graded down - receive a grade that is lowered by an undetermined amount

drop a course grade – lower a grade, for example, from B to B-

fill in – write information in blank spaces of a document/quiz/exam/text

get back / give back - return work to students

get back to – return to a previous topic; reply to a person after a period of time

go over - review

grade on a curve - assigning grades designed to yield a predetermined distribution of grades

hand in / turn in - submits work (to the instructor)

hand out / pass out – distribute to students

lose points – receive less than full credit for an assignment for specific reasons

make (obj.) up – (academic meaning) receive credit for doing an alternative on a curve - move on – continue on to the next topic

pass back - return work to students; also, to pass documents toward the back of the room

skip – pass over an item without reading, completing the problem, etc.

turn to – go to a specific page in a text


Nouns & Meanings

cheat sheet – an approved or non-approved paper with course content to use for reference during an exam

credit – points or recognition of work done toward a course/exam/assignment grade

“easy A” – a class or assignment for which it is easy to do well

extra credit – points for doing work beyond what is required for a course

full credit – maximum points available for an assignment

make-up test – a test taken to replace one that has been missed for a legitimate reason

make-up policy – rules regarding alternative work done to replace something that was missed

partial credit – getting some of the possible points available for an assignment instead of an “all or nothing” approach (commonly used for problems in which students have to show work done to arrive at an answer)

prerequisite – a course required before another (e.g., Math 05 before Math 18)

review session – a formal or informal class meeting to review exam items before an exam

study guide – a guide provided by an instructor/TA to help students prepare for an exam

take-home exam – an exam that students can complete off campus

used textbook – a previously owned/used textbook, usually cheaper than new



  1. give back
  2. be graded down
  3. skip
  4. turn to
  5. review session