The Students Assessing Teaching and Learning (SATAL) program is a resource available to support academic programs and/or course level assessment for instructors, chairs, and deans. The SATAL program, sponsored by the Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning at UC Merced, offers trained undergraduates to gather information about the student learning experience on behalf of individual instructors or academic programs. For example, in support of program assessment, SATAL students can conduct exit interviews with graduating seniors or focus group interviews with students at key transition points in a curriculum. Results are then summarized in a professional report.
Students working for SATAL receive ongoing professional development on gathering, analyzing, and reporting findings related to classroom instructional data (e.g., use of instructional time, student engagement, learning activities, and providing confidential feedback). Interns utilize various instruments and protocols such as Small Group Instructional Diagnosis (SGID), Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS), focus groups, interviews, and surveys to provide instructors with accurate and actionable feedback.
→ To learn more, watch our
informational video offered by Adriana Signorini, SATAL founder and program lead.