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Meet the SATAL Students

Picture of all SATAL students

Meet our alumnus

Michael Fang

Cognitive Science (B.S.)

Graduated 2024

Hello, my name is Michael Fang. I am a fourth year cognitive science major. I have been a part of the SATAL program since spring 2023. I joined SATAL because I wanted to work with data and the SATAL program utilized data to help instructors improve their pedagogy and to get a better sense of how students feel about their class. Another reason why I joined the SATAL program was because we were able to sit inside a classroom or lab and get to learn a few things about a new topic during a COPUS or LOPUS observation request. The last reason why I joined the SATAL program was because I wanted to make an impact at UC Merced, no matter how small, before I graduate. I learned a lot from working at SATAL. Some skills that I learned or improved at are the following: leadership, communication, teamwork, data processing, and data analysis. There are definitely many other skills that I have learned during my time at SATAL, but the ones listed are some of the major skills. My future goal is to be a software engineer at a big tech company or a promising startup. Learning how to work with data will help with my future goal, but I believe it is all the soft skills that I developed during my time at SATAL that will carry me forward to my future endeavors.In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, solving the Rubik's Cube, watching/listening to K-Pop, and watching K-Dramas and C-Dramas.


Alexander PeczonPicture of Alexander Peczon Satal Student

Computer Science and Engineering Major

Graduating 2026

Hi, my name is Alexander Peczon. I am a first year computer science and engineering major. I have been a part of the SATAL program since spring 2023. I joined SATAL to gain new team experiences and improve my presentation skills. Through SATAL I have learned how to compile data, work with a team of students and present. My future goals are to improve the educational experience for students at Merced and I believe the best way is to remove the gap in communication on what the wants are for both the professor and students. Outside of being a SATAL student, I enjoy coding, biking, playing guitar, cooking and drawing.






Ashley TortoledoAlumni Ashley Tortoledo Satal Student


Graduating 2024

Hi, my name is Ashley Tortoledo! I am a fourth year psychology major. I have been a part of the SATAL program since spring 2024. I joined SATAL due to the program representation. I knew that SATAL can benefit student learning and help improve student success and playing a part in that process helped me feel like I could help my peers in some way. Through SATAL I’ve learned what it feels like to be in a very supportive work environment. Everyone at SATAL is very helpful, understanding and patient. It's helped nudge me into being more active in the program. My future goal this summer is to intern under shadowing a school psychologist. I feel like SATAL has helped introduce me to communicating well with others, facilitate a classroom discussion and gathering and organizing data. Outside of being a SATAL student I enjoy hanging out with friends and family and going on spontaneous adventures.






Bryan ZaragonzaPicture of Bryan Zaragoza Satal Student


Graduating 2026

Hello, my name is Bryan Zaragoza. I am a second year psychology major. I have been a part of the SATAL program since spring 2024. I joined SATAL to be the voice of the students who are too scared to tell the professor to adjust to their needs so they don't fall behind. Through SATAL I have learned the importance of making time for work. I didn't realize how much work I needed to do outside of going and presenting to class. The workload got to me at times which led to unneeded stress.My future goal is to become a detective and SATAL is helping me with those skills by enhancing my ability to balance my life and work. My work needed hours put into it. I couldn't just lay it off and work on it all in one day as it would be too much so by realizing that I made time in my days to mainly work on SATAL. This was a struggle because I was busy with school and friends as they both took most of my day. I was mainly free near the end of the day, but all I wanted to do was to just relax so making time for work was troublesome, but in the end I ended up getting it all working out great. Outside of being a SATAL student I enjoy hanging out with my friends. I love those guys with all my life as they bring excitement to my life. We always have a blast everyday. Without them I would've been so bored.






Jianan ZhangPicture of Jianan Zhang Satal Student

Computer Science and Engineering Major

Graduating 2026

Hello, my name is Jianan Zhang. I am a first year computer science and engineering major. I have been a part of the SATAL program since spring 2024. I joined SATAL because I liked what SATAL is bringing to the table: Providing a service for professors to get feedback and in turn help students gain better learning experiences. After hearing that, I was sure I wanted to be a part of that. Through SATAL I have learned better ways to communicate and work as a team, specifically, understanding the importance of holding responsibility and the crucialness of communication between team members. Additionally, I have gained many experiences that I would not otherwise gain or would not dare to attempt. For example: speaking in front of professional faculty and trying to describe to them what we are doing. This would have been very scary for me in the mast, and is still somewhat scary for me right now, but now, I know I have training and confidently understand what our program is about. My future goal is to work with people in the industry of computer science and be able to contribute to that group in some way. SATAL really helps in the sense of data analysis and team work, where both are crucial for maintaining workloads. Outside of being a SATAL student I enjoy swimming occasionally as a hobby. I also like doing programming challenges, something that could sometimes be really simple or sometimes really difficult. Finally, I really like robotics and mechanics, researching robots and machines and trying to understand how they work; In the future, I hope I can create some funny inventions, or maybe something revolutionary.


Bella Woodruff

Psychology major and Sociology minor student

Graduating 2023

Hi! My name is Bella Woodruff. I am a fourth year Psychology major and Sociology minor student. I have been in the SATAL Program for two years. I enjoy being part of the program because I get the opportunity to help instructors improve their pedagogy to create a better learning experience for students. The SATAL Program has allowed me to gain more research and professional skills. I hope that my contributions can make a difference in promoting diverse teaching methods for students.

Picture of Satal Alumni Bella Woondruff

Riley Whitmer

Chemistry major

Graduating 2023

Hi, I am a chemistry major at UCM, and I will attend graduate school to pursue a PhD to engage in research. My goal is to be a professor late in my career, which is a big reason I joined SATAL. I wanted to learn ways to incorporate direct student feedback into my future classroom to make my learning environment as equitable as possible. In addition to that, I gained excellent professional development, technical skills with excel, leadership experience, and interpersonal skills with faculty. My time in SATAL has advanced my research abilities and has opened opportunities in research education. Overall, being a member of this group has been a positive experience and I've grown a lot from it.

Riley Whitmer Satal student

Christian Urbina

Computer Science & Engineering Major

Graduating 2023

Hello, I'm Christian Urbina. I joined SATAL  because I wanted to make a difference on campus! I want to make sure students know their voices are being heard by their professors. In the future I hope to receive a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. With that degree I hope to work with a large tech-firm making advances in cyber security.

Christina Urbina Satal Student

Sandy Dorantes


Graduating 2020

Hello! My name is Sandy and I joined SATAL to explore the differences between research and assessment. I wanted to be a part of SATAL because they prioritize student feedback in time to make improvements and provide a safe environment for students to do so. I look forward to learning and improving my interpersonal, oral, and written skills in assessment. I hope to one day graduate with a doctorate and maybe open up my own private practice in Occupational Therapy. In my free time, I enjoy watercolor painting, going to movie theaters, and going on walks.

Hoa Nguyen

Computer Science

Graduating 2020

There are many great experiences the SATAL program has to offer a student such as myself. It has revealed the complex nature of the teaching and learning process, which has helped me improve both as a student and a budding professional. The skills acquired in the program align with my future in research and continuing my education after undergraduate studies. Most important of all, it brings me great satisfaction knowing that what we do at SATAL is for the benefit of the curriculum and our experience on campus.

Leslie Bautista

Computer Science and Engineering

Graduating 2021

I believe that as university students, our engagement in the learning process is crucial to our personal and professional success. SATAL is an exciting and pioneering program that will allow me to voice concerns from my peers in the classroom. The program will also help advance by communication, presentation, and evaluative skills, all of which will develop my leadership in the classroom and outside in the community of teaching. Along with assessment, I enjoy the placidity of the outdoors during a hike or walk and writing narratives.

Guadalupe Covarrubias-Oregel

Psychology Major, NSED Minor

Graduating 2021

I believe that education can empower an individual to further their passions, therefore, being a part of SATAL will give me the opportunity to not only achieve this but to learn more about our education system and to voice my input as a student to improve learning here on campus. As an aspiring teacher and counselor, I hope to learn as much as possible from my SATAL experiences so I can help equip our next generations to come through my career. Aside from being a full-time student, I enjoy reading, volunteering in the community, spending time with my friends and family, and being involved with my local youth group.

Tamy Do

Tamy Do


Graduating 2021

Hello! My name is Tamy Do. I joined SATAL because I wanted to improve my communication skills as well as gain insight into the teaching and learning environment of the classroom. SATAL is an underrated program that I believe will allow me to develop my leadership skills, in addition to my presentation, evaluation, and work ethic skills too. After graduating, I hope to enter medical school and one day become a medical practitioner. In my free time, I love sleeping, playing games, and watching TV shows.

Jesus Lopez

Political Science

Graduating 2021

I always strive to improve myself, my community and my surroundings which is why I joined SATAL, to contribute to the improvement of the learning environment in UC Merced and create a better interaction between professor and student given that SATAL is a program that can make a huge impact in the classroom and gives students the opportunity to provide feedback for their classes. I believe that SATAL can help me expand my horizons and enhance my teamwork, communication and public speaking skills that I can utilize today as a college student and in the future.

Sara Patino

Political Science

Graduating 2021

I joined SATAL because I want to be a professor in the future and conduct my own research. I believe the SATAL program will give me the necessary skills to accomplish my goals such as gaining communication skills, collecting data, and understanding what teaching methods are most effective on student learning. I love the outdoors, especially in spring, and basketball is my favorite sport to watch and play.

Andrew Perez


Graduating 2021

I joined SATAL because I wanted to help improve the learning experience of my peers here at the university. Through the SATAL program, I am learning so much about the teaching process and the educational needs of students. I plan to apply these experiences to a career in library sciences after graduation. In my free time, I enjoy running and creative writing.

Ahmed Elhanafy

Business and Management in Economics

Graduating 2021

Hello, my name is Ahmed Elhanafy. I am a third year Business and Management in Economics major. Coming from what is considered a developing country; Egypt, I always had a passion for making education better for all. I believe that education is core to everything. I plan to start a non-profit based on education when I graduate. The goal of my non-profit is going to be developing third world countries' educational systems while building schools and providing resources. I believe that joining SATAL is the first step to me perusing my passion to help others. I couldn't be more excited to be here!

Matias Lopez

Physics, NSED Minor

Graduating 2021

What's up! I joined SATAL because I wanted to be a part of the research behind the learning & lesson planning processes at the university level. It's a great opportunity to be able to observe students and professors in a way that I haven't before and be able to leave an impact at UCM. The end goal is to earn a PhD in either Physics or Mechanical Engineering and study energy production and storage, then become a professor at the community college level. I like drawing and learning new skills in my spare time. I am currently in the middle of learning how to play piano and speak Russian.

Andrea Presas


Graduating 2021

Hello, my name is Andrea and I am a third year Psychology student. I joined SATAL because I believe that making educators aware of student concerns in the classroom is key to making sure everyone reaches their ultimate potential. Being a part of this program provides me with the opportunity to assist in creating a productive interaction between the student and the educator which can vastly improve the education and overall experience of my fellow peers at UC Merced. The SATAL program will allow me to strengthen my communication and evaluative skills in order to make me better equipped for my own education and future career in child development. In my spare time I enjoy painting, watching scary movies, and learning about astronomy.

Téa Pusey


Graduating 2022

I joined SATAL because I wanted to be a part of a program that created a beneficial learning environment for both students and faculty at UC Merced! I think the work SATAL does is important to helping our bobcat community, and I am grateful I’m able to be a part of that. In the future I hope to pursue education, specifically teaching. I think that being a part of SATAL not only allows me to learn about effective teaching methods, but also allows me to learn about ways to improve my own teaching. I am super excited to be a part of the SATAL program!

Abrian Villalobos

Biological Engineer

Graduating 2022

The reason as to why I became SATAL Intern is to better the education system by adapting to the students with honest and effective communication between the student and the professor here on campus. The SATAL program will have a huge impact not only on campus but also having an impact on my oral, and written communication skills.One day i hope to receive my bachelors degree in Biological engineering so I may pursue my dream of creating prosthetic limbs that communicate neurologically with the body. In my free time I am usually listening to music and studying.

Monica Ramos

Psychology Major Spanish Minor

Graduating 2021

I decided to join SATAL because I felt like it was a great opportunity to engage with students as well as professors on helping them improve their skills in a classroom setting. I remember taking Chemistry 001 for the second time and being able to learn better while working in groups and each of us having roles to help one another. I was able to improve and pass the class successfully with the help of my professor and classmates. By joining SATAL I hope to be able to bring my experiences and help students who are also struggling in their classes. I hope to continue to also develop my public speaking skills and professionalism while working with my colleagues this year.



Former SATAL Students

 Arby Mariano

Arby Mariano

Psychology Major; Minor in Natural Science Education

Graduated 2020

I joined SATAL because I value its mission to provide insight into student learning. I have always had a passion for teaching and I hope that I will better understand the learning and teaching process. Through the SATAL program, I hope to apply what I learn and pursue a career in teaching. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, cooking and going for a run.

Brian Hoang

Brian Hoang


Graduated 2019

I joined SATAL because I have a passion for helping others and felt that SATAL would give me the opportunity to help my fellow peers in helping to improve their educational experience. What I hope to gain from SATAL is the opportunity to develop the skills needed after graduating in order to pursue future career pathways. 

Jose Sandoval

Jose Sandoval

Computer Science and Engineering Major

Graduated 2019

I joined SATAL to expand my ability to make connections with people and to increase my communication abilities. I believe that SATAL will provide me with an experience unlike any I have had before, through interactions with both my peers and our professors, who are the very foundation of our campus. The skills I learned from SATAL will enhance my strengths in the job field.

Valezka Murillo

Valezka Murillo

Sociology major with Philosophy minor

Graduated 2019

I joined SATAL because I wanted to give students an opportunity to get the most out of their time here at UC Merced. Everyone deserves a constructive learning environment and I hope to be able to assist in making that a reality. I believe that working with SATAL will give me the skills necessary to be a successful attorney in the future, a large part of my goals for the future is helping marginalized communities and the communication skills I will attain here will be invaluable. In my free time I enjoy drinking boba and watching buzzfeed unsolved.

Monica Urbina

Monica Urbina

Public Health Major

Graduated 2019

I joined SATAL because I want to help students and professors interconnect and build a better classroom atmosphere. What I hope to hope to gain from SATAL are valuable teaching insight and genuine work ethic skills. My SATAL experience will improve my career outlook when working in the teaching or administration side of public health. In my free time, I enjoy cooking with my family or watching movies with my dog.

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Justen Palmer

Management Business Economics

Graduated 2019

Reason for being in SATAL: I enjoy seeing student interns helping making a difference in difference classrooms that they are observing. Advocating for change within the learning environment between professors and students in order to make the learning atmosphere more fun and enjoyable for all.

Harmanjit Singh

Harmanjit Singh


Graduated 2019

I joined SATAL because I wanted to be a part of a program that helps students and instructors connect and work together to build a better learning experience now as well as for the future. SATAL also allows me to expand my abilities to communicate and express ideas that can help me better any given situation that comes to mind outside of UC Merced. In my spare time I like playing Football/Basketball, traveling, and watching YouTube.

Cynthia Ramos

Cynthia Ramos


Graduated 2018

I joined SATAL to be a part of a program where ideas from anyone can and will be heard when professors want to improve the learning environment in their course through student feedback. I hope to use my experiences and skills I have developed from SATAL in my future goals to work in a profession where I can improve the well-being of children in any way possible. I enjoy painting, watching Netflix and funny YouTube videos in my free time. 

Chelsy Cummings

Chelsy Cummings

Molecular Biology Major with a Minor in Global Art Studies

Graduated 2018

I am thrilled to be part of a program that not only improves student’s academic college experience but will continue to help future classes of students and teachers alike. I aspire to become an optometrist, and being part of the SATAL team will help to enhance vital qualities needed for a professional career field. I look forward to cultivating communication skills, while simultaneously becoming better equipped in giving and receiving feedback in a critical setting. In my spare time, I enjoy traveling, singing, and watching a wide range of movies.

Tamunotubo George

Tamunotubo George

Mechanical Engineering Major

Graduating 2019

I joined SATAL because I came to understand its importance to UC Merced. During my first year, SATAL played a crucial role in my academics, especially in my physics course. I am proud to be a part of SATAL; through this program, I hope to help students just like me. After receiving my Bachelor's Degree in 2019, I want to go into the oil and gas sector. I hope to work for my most admired oil company, Chevron. When I am not busy working with SATAL or studying Mechanical Engineering, I am usually outside playing soccer.

Gautam Panakkal

Gautam Panakkal


Graduated 2018

As a psychology major, the cognitive processes involved in learning are of special interest to me. SATAL is an excellent way to enrich my understanding of learning and teaching methods in a practical setting while helping students achieve their learning goals. After graduating, I plan to pursue a master's degree in bioengineering. I enjoy reading, studying a broad range of topics, playing video games, and exercising in my free time. 


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Verenize Arceo

History Major; Political Science Minor

Graduated 2018

I joined SATAL because I have always had an interest in teaching and education. I love that SATAL provides a line of communication between the student and the instructor; ultimately improving the learning environment for all. I hope to take what I learn from SATAL and help anyone voice their concern in a professional manner in any given situation. I am interested in a career in teaching; however, I am open to whatever opportunities life may bring. In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, and spending time with my family. 

Brianna Vasquez

Brianna Vasquez

History Major with a Minor in Anthropology

Graduated 2017

I joined SATAL because of my passion for learning. I want to share my passion and make a difference in the UC Merced community by working with professors to enhance the learning environment. I enjoy the fact that SATAL is a liaison between students and professors to discuss and engage in a dialogue on their education. Although I do not have a clear career goal at the moment, I hope to take what I learn from SATAL and continue educating the public on topics of nutrition and food justice. In my free time, I enjoy watching independent movies on Netflix, cooking new foods, and playing with my guinea pig.

Yun Chang

Yun Chang

Computer Science and Engineering Major

Graduated 2018

I joined SATAL because I believe I could pursue my knowledge in statistics by working on data analysis from surveys. I wish to gain more work experience and improve interpersonal communication skills.

Mariah Estes

Mariah Estes

Psychology Major

Graduated 2018

I chose to work with SATAL so I could help students give honest and useful feedback to their professors. I am interested in film and hope to one day direct a psychological thriller.

Crystal King

Crystal King

Anthropology Major

Graduated 2018

I joined SATAL because I am interested in learning more about teaching practices. I enjoy learning about different ways in which learning can be facilitated to improve the student and instructor experience. I plan on using what I learned in SATAL to improve my leadership skills as a tutor and mentor to other students. Upon graduation, I plan on pursuing graduate school to obtain a Ph.D. in Public Health.

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Annalese Croup

Psychology Major

Graduated 2018

I joined SATAL because I feel that everyone deserves to make sure they are getting what they expect from their learning environment. Through SATAL, I hope to learn skills such as working in a professional setting. I feel that this will one day help me in a business setting. Besides working and school, I am also a member of the sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma and a member of the Odyssey Team. I enjoy going on adventures, snowboarding, and hanging out with friends.

Jansen Lin

Jansen Lin

Cognitive Science Major

Graduated 2018

I joined SATAL to explore in-depth how students and professors perceive the classroom environment. I believe that SATAL will provide an experience where I can become familiar with techniques/methods to assess and improve the student-professor relationship over time. I hope to apply the skills that I learned from SATAL in industry post-graduation. During my free time, I enjoy playing basketball and spending time with friends and family.

Sandrs Garcia Satal Student Alumni

Sandra Garcia


Graduated 2016

Sandra joined SATAL because she believed it provided her the opportunity to help improve education here at UC Merced. With the help of SATAL she hopes to gain the proper skills and knowledge to prepare her for her future in a teaching career.

Jared Felton Satal Student Alumni

Jared Felton

Management and Business Economics

Graduated 2016

Jared joined SATAL in order to play an active role in the ongoing process of improving the learning environment at UC Merced. His studies are preparing him for a career in the business world, and he plans to use the skills he has learned while being a SATAL student along the way. Upon graduating he plans to attend the Air Force Officer Training School and serve in the armed forces.  Then he plans to work with the corporate side of the automotive industry. In his spare time, he enjoys watching documentaries, reading car magazines, and watching sports of all kinds.

Maeve O' Brien Satal Student Alumni

Maeve O'Brien

Material Science Engineering with an Emphasis on Nanotechnology, Minor in Writing

Graduated 2018

Maeve joined SATAL because she believes that in order for UC Merced to continue to grow and improve, students, professors and instructors alike must work together towards that goal. Her studies are preparing her for a career not only in research labs but collaborating successfully with her peers, and the skills she has learned from SATAL will help her communicate and give more effective feedback. After graduating, Maeve plans on earning her Ph.D., working in a research lab and possibly becoming a professor. After her classes are over for the day, Maeve enjoys reading sci-fi/fantasy novels, comics, manga, watching quirky youtube videos and playing video games.

Viora Suma Satal Student Alumni

Vlora Suma

Cognitive Science

Graduated 2018

An essential component of my philosophy of education is active and engaged learning. Henceforth, working for SATAL is important because it allows me to witness educators improve their relationship with their students, all-the-while students also become better involved with their learning. I have not defined any major goals for the future, but as of the present, I have a compilation of interests in human behavior, education, and social awareness. In addition, I enjoy skating, slacklining, and discovering new music.

Chelsey Garcia Satal Student Alumni

Chelsey Garcia

Psychology with a Minor in Literature and Cultures

Graduated 2016

Hello there! I am a proud UCM student. I am new to the academic team of Students Assessing Teaching and Learning (SATAL) on campus and am very excited to begin my contribution. Since I have a natural interest in the many individuals and collective ways people learn best and plan to focus my research towards different educational curricula, I feel that being a part of SATAL will give me the experience I need to develop into a better evaluator of educational systems so that the quality of education people receive is adequate. Other areas of interest of mine involve pursuing a career in adolescent counseling and/or adult psychotherapy. I am even open to the idea of becoming a professor myself one day of English. I also enjoy reading, listening to good music, and cooking up delicious meals with my loved ones.

Carsza Lenaburg Satal Student Alumni

Carisza Lenaburg


Graduated 2016

Carisza joined SATAL hoping to contribute to the teaching and learning environment that continues to get better each year. With what she learned through SATAL, she hopes to one day be a high school teacher that can help with a steady flow of communication between students and faculty.

Jessica Gray Satal Student Alumni

Jessica Gray

Mechanical Engineer

Graduated 2016

Jessica enjoys playing sports, video games, and watching anime. She joined SATAL because she believes you should never stop improving. Her plan may include graduate school or going straight into industry. Either way, she will be using her skills gained through SATAL to better help her with her career.

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Mina Tawfick

Human Biology Major

Graduated 2018

I joined Satal because I felt that a unique opportunity awaited me. Alongside my time as a student, I have also spent time as a tutor and teacher. To me, Satal is a new and exciting perspective of the classroom setting. I am currently a Biology undergraduate student and plan to take this path to Medical school (become an Allopathic physician perhaps?). Satal will improve my ability to communicate ideas with others, a crucial skill for anyone really, but especially important for me since I will need to accurately diagnose another person’s ailments in the future. On my own time, I enjoy writing stories, playing games of all sorts, and talking late night strolls.

Satal Student Alumni Joanna Valenzuela

Joanna Valenzuela

Human Biology Major

Graduated 2016

Joanna became interested in the SATAL program because she believes it is important to take an active role in the education of UC Merced students. She plans to apply the skills acquired through the SATAL program towards her future educational experiences. Joanna is currently studying human biology and physics and is considering furthering her education through either a graduate program or medical school. She hopes to someday inspire her community to pursue higher degrees in education and motivate students to value their education.

Eric Chu Satal Student Alumni

Eric Chu

Human Biology Major

Graduated 2016

Eric values the importance of education for students and SATAL offers the opportunity for him to apply those values. His studies of interest are in economic policy and environmental business opportunities. He hopes to have a career that deals with shaping government policy and growing businesses. In his free time, he enjoys playing chess, watching plays, and cooking.

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Brianda Garcia

Human Biology Major

Graduated 2015

Brianda loves the field of education and joined SATAL because she believes it gives students the opportunity to openly voice their opinions regarding their learning environments. She hopes to become a high school counselor one day and help minority students on their path to higher education. During her free time, Brianda enjoys baking, going to church, and spending time with family and friends.

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Ruben Garcia

Human Biology Major

Graduated 2015

A major point of SATAL includes the experienced needed to function in real-life situations and professions. As a career goal to go into public relations or teaching high school social science. SATAL is giving me the tools I need in order to build some communication skills and practice gathering information from other people. A big part of SATAL allows me to assess a wide variety of teaching methods and how each teaching style affects the students' learning experience. Everything in SATAL can be related to my own learning experience and how to be a good peer to the other students around me, as well as to my professors.